Moving Poetry: Indigenous Stories

72 min.

This selection of short, Indigenous-made films exemplifies the poetic language of the body as memory, cultural healing, and relationship to the natural world.

  • Running Time: 72 min.

Packaged Films


Finland | 2024 | 21 min. | Radio-Jus Sunná / Sunná Nousuniemi (Sámi), Guhtur Niillas Rita Duomis / Tuomas Kumpulainen (Sámi)

Áhkuin is a visual and poetic musical call-and-response between a grandmother and her descendants.

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Baigal Nuur - Lake Baikal

Germany | 2023 | 9 min. | Alisi Telengut (Buryat)

The reimagined formation of Lake Baikal in Siberia comes to life in this animation using texture, varied objects, and paintings.

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Gath & K'iyh: Listen to Heal

USA | 2024 | 9 min. | Princess Daazhraii Johnson (Neet'saii Gwich'in)

In Alaska, community and famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma come together to honor king salmon and the birch trees for collective healing.

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I am the nature

Ecuador | 2023 | 5 min. | Taliesin Black-Brown

Experimental in nature, this poetic perspective on the environment from the Achuar peoples of the Amazon Rainforest is a vivid reminder of love and loss.

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Meet Me at the Creek

USA | 2023 | 10 min. | Loren Waters (Cherokee Nation/Kiowa)

In order to revitalize cultural traditions, a Cherokee elder fights to restore the “irreversibly damaged” Tar Creek.

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Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) | 2024 | 3 min. | Aka Hansen (Inuk)

Life is a beautiful dance between the natural world and tradition, as experienced by this lovely short rooted in Inuk culture.

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Fiji | 2024 | 15 min. | Fenton Lutunatabua (Fijian)

This four-part cinematic poem weaves together multiple layers of beauty, pain, colonialism, climate change culture, and loss.

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