Programmers' Picks: Kathleen Mullen

SIFF Programmer Kathleen Mullen shares some of her highlights from the 2024 Seattle International Film Festival.

 Kathleen Mullen

Admissions Granted

From the first interview, I was glued to my screen. I hadn’t known all the complexities of what led to Affirmative Action being struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, and in this documentary you get to view all sides of the debate. You realize when you walk away that the implications of the decision will not be known for a long time.

Love Machina

Love Machina is a love story and a deep dive into the possibilities of AI and living forever. I found it spellbinding and Martine and Bina to be a very compelling and charismatic couple—their drive to live together forever is truly worth seeing.

I’m Just Here for the Riot

Having lived in Vancouver for a long time, I loved how the filmmakers approached the Vancouver riots. Interviewing people who took part in the riot and the aftermath and exploring how excitement can turn into rage becomes a unique perspective and approach in this documentary, as well showing the world right at the cusp of the social media explosion and what it means to have your image of rioting stay on the internet forever.


This documentary kept me on the edge of my seat as these dedicated people deep dive into these caves as a sport, as an obsession, as a hobby. Risking their lives to see something truly unique is inspiring, and you get to know the people who do it. 

Porcelain War

I loved how this documentary portrays people who keep themselves together by making art in the midst of bombs falling and having to go out and protect themselves against the Russian invasion. It’s a micro and macro picture of wartime for these brave Ukrainians.

The Queen of My Dreams

An exquisite-looking Bollywood-styled fantasy about a mother and daughter and their differing trajectories in life. Directed by Fawzia Mirza and produced by Andria Wilson Mirza, this is a must-see. 

Admissions Granted
Love Machina
I’m Just Here for the Riot
Porcelain War
Porcelain War
The Queen of my Dreams