Breaking Bread

Shlomi Meir And Ali Khattib

USA | 2020 | 85 min. | Beth Elise Hawk

March 4 - 6, 2022

Breaking Bread illustrates what happens when people focus on the person, rather than her religion; on the public, rather than the politicians.

Breaking Bread follows Arab and Jewish chefs in Haifa, Israel as they collaborate in the kitchen. Connected through a shared love of food, the chefs unite to celebrate their cultures and the food of their region free from political and religious boundaries. Welcome to the A-Sham Arabic Food Festival. Founded by Dr. Nof Atamna-Ismaeel, the first Muslim Arab to win Israel’s MasterChef, the festival invites Arab and Jewish chefs to celebrate their shared culinary history as they exchange stories, recipes and techniques. A celebration of the region’s diverse cuisines and people, Breaking Bread offers a mouth-watering taste of rich culinary traditions that will leave you wanting more.

  • Director: Beth Elise Hawk
  • Country: USA, Israel
  • Year: 2020
  • Running Time: 85 min.
  • Producer: Beth Elise Hawk
  • Language: English
  • Has Subtitles: Yes
  • Has Closed Captioning: Yes